So I received a letter that my home insurance was due. Usually i would be none the wiser of this information until it automatically renewed. Well this time, thanks to Covid-19, and my attempt of not letting my letters pile up for 6months, I opened the letter on time.
Well done to me.
For a split second I agreed with the new quote of £1165.66. An increase of £72.67 from previous year.
But that was my lazy self not wanting the hassle of searching online for a cheaper quote.
Then I remembered doing this search for my car insurance in the summer (2020) and the amazing result with Admiral. So I decided to search.
And search I did.
The easy part was filling in the online search form. There are quite a few market comparison search tools you can use. Once I submitted the form, the search began.
Gosh there were too many cheaper quotes to chose from.
How I decided
I guess my elimination process.
I decided I didn't want cheap cheap. Simply because I felt that I would not get the full cover. The cheapest was just over £100 per annum..
I decided to choose a quote which ticked all the headings listed on the screen.
I decided to go for the same insurance company insuring my car Admiral . Simply because I did not want to get yet another online log in password.
I decided to get the best of the three categories available in this company.
Work begins
Then the actual hardwork of choosing a new insurance policy started. This part took some time to do.
I didn't want to make a mistake. And because the quote was so cheap, I kept on doubting if it was genuine. I did not want it to be a case of "penny wise, pound foolish" (my dad's favourite saying and always my decision maker).
I had to cross check my old quote and what I was covered for, with my new quote to make sure that I was recieving the same cover. I realised that not only was the cover like for like, but for certain things I was getting a better deal with the new quote.
I bought it
The idea of getting a cheap quote, is not to leave things out, but to get everything I need (and more) with a reputable company, for a fraction of the price.
I am not sure why I didn't do this search all these years. To think that I could get a home insurance cover for £312.02 per annum. Making a saving of £853.64. Can you beat that. I am still in shook. Hence this blog (vlog to follow soon
I finally bought and paid the first instalment £26. What a huge monthly saving. It did cross my mind to pay it in one lump sum. But that's no fun at all. I love my monthly direct debits that keeps me ticking over nicely.
Anyway, everything is set now. The new insurance will start in March, the day the old cover ends.
I am looking forward to renewing my car insurance this summer.